Baltimore on the Prairie 2024
an applique conference-
Baltimore on the Prairie
September 3-6, 2025
Important Note from the Administrator:
Beginning in the fall of 2026, "Baltimore on the Prairie, an applique conference" will be evolving to a new format in a new location. The working title right now is "Baltimore on the Prairie, a hand applique gathering". This will be a new, retreat-style concept that will still retain the relaxed, friendly, easy-going nature that Baltimore on the Prairie is know for.
Details are still in the planning stage and will be announced as they are finalized. If you would like to receive details as they become available, check back here or email at mjones1@carsoncomm.com to be added to the mailing list.
The changes ahead are exciting as we move to a new format and an exciting future!
Tresa Jones, Administrator​​​​​​​​
Lied Lodge and Convention Center
Nebraska City, NE
September 3-6, 2025
Session A Classes - Wed and Thurs, Sept 3-4, 2025
Session B Classes - Fri and Sat, Sept 5-6, 2025

What is Baltimore on the Prairie?
Baltimore on the Prairie began in 2009 to bring the art of Baltimore Album quilts, along with hand applique techniques, to the heartland of the US. Now in its 15th year, attendees from 35 of our states, along with attendees from Australia, Ireland, Canada and Germany have gathered in September to expand their applique skills, meet up with friends across the globe and enjoy 4 days of stitching and relaxation at Lied Lodge in Nebraska City, NE. Even though the Baltimore Album style of applique is the heart of the conference, Baltimore on the Prairie has evolved to include sessions on wool applique, dimensional techniques, modern looks and much more.
Faculty and Open Studio
Our teachers are experts in their field of applique and each offer something different whether it be in technique, style or type of applique. While some designs may appear complex, all teachers are adept at working with confident beginners. And for those with advanced skills, there is always something new to learn!
Open Studio is a classroom setting for independent study and stitching. This is ideal for attendees who wish to stitch on their own projects, join with friends from around the world and enjoy the relaxation of Lied Lodge.

Michelle Yeo

Teri Young Kara Mason

Dena Rosenberg

Audra Rasnake