Session B Classes
Fri - Sat, Sept 10 - 11, 2021
Barbara Carper
"Daffodils from Susan's Garden"
Session B Classes
Fri - Sat, Sept 6 - 7, 2024
Missie Carpenter
"In the Valley"
This block, made with all cotton fabrics, is inspired by the antique Jacobean works of art along with Colonial Folk Art. The church at the base of a hill makes me think of a small, early town back in history. A schoolhouse or home could be an option instead of the church. Any of these options will be stunning as the center of a medallion or used as another block in the Early American Spirit quilt. The class will focus on perfecting Starch Basting shapes, using the original notions Missie has created to make this technique easier. We will start with the simple shapes and move towards the smaller, more intricate shapes. Even beginners are able to learn the basics of Starch Basting sharp points, tiny circles and 1/8” stems and crosses. Intricate details can add so much to a project and Missie will show you how!